Tuesday, 22 November 2011

White with 1 Challenge.

I have once again entered over at http://whitewith1.blogspot.com/ . The theme for this month is WHITE + BRIGHT + FLOWERS you use a white background, pick one bright colour and flowers. Here is my LO:
 I seam to be using alot of green lately. It was the colour of the plates on the photo so I ran with that. Here is the double LO which I tend to do most times:
 It is a cloudy day today so the colours don't turn out 100%. I have used alot of black and red for my son's birthday photo's so it was good to mix it up abit. 
That's it for now. Bye Kerry.


  1. Fabulous work such a fun and happy page ...thanks for playing along at WW1

  2. Fab layout...I love green ;)
