Monday, 19 December 2011

Friday Night Challenge!

I am right on the ball this week and organised, it's done and dusted. This is what the requirements are for this weeks FNC over at
What would we like to see???  Using the main colours from this sketch (but its a LO I know) (brown & green) complete a LO that uses the basic elements of my sketch/LO here....use some flowers etc to make a pretty LO.
I have used brown and green abit lately but usually with other brighter colours, so I tried to stick to these two. I also realised I have been using a lot of plain backgrounds, so time to shake it up a bit. One of my friends gave me a new pad of paper for Christmas, I opened it and used a peice for the background and I love the finished result, here it is:
Instead of paper behind my photo I stamped a background which I think gave a lovely muted tone and stamped a little border above it. I've tried mixing up my title with different fonts and it never works well although very happy with this one so I will try again.
My girlfriend would die if she saw this, I think it's great.
I also think this might be the last one until after Christmas but don't bet on it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerry
    Love both these LOs. The colours and designs are perfect for your photos. Thanks for visiting my blog :)
